NBC News - Instagram This was posted by NBC News on Instagram on Saturday in response to a mass shooting. The audience is Instagram users--hopefully all. Youth are more interested in national news than ever before and adults, living on their own and part of a community, should also be aware of the events happening in their world. NBC is connecting to the audience by using several seascape principles. Some of these include: The Value Principle: The value of a news account is information. Unbiased and timely reports of important events. This post fulfills the audiences needs by providing what is expected. The Attention Principle: By using Instagram, NBC is providing it's audience an opportunity to express opinions. A news outlet especially is a hotspot for opinions and arguments. The Presentation Principle: There were many photos taken of this event. NBC chose to share one that was provoking while also being modest. It accurately depicts the danger of the moment, while al...