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Reverse Engineer a Social Media Brand
- Czar Press is a company that prints your designs! The audience is thus, designers.
- Some of the seascape principles Czar Press uses are these: 1) Presentation - only posting beautiful product, 2) Value - Czar Press is a leader in its industry and is making its' audience aware of services, 3) Least Resistance - Czar Press giveaway's are all very easy to enter (follow, like, share), and the prizes are great (20% off order, 200 free cards, etc.), 4) Progress - using the most advanced technology to create on-trend product.
- Contrast/ Color: By adding this bright colored business card to the center of the photo, it creates contrast as well as a focal point. It draws the audience eye to the post.
- Repetition: This photo uses repetition in repeating shapes. It unifies the image and makes it a coherent whole. It also creates a type of grid which appeals to designers who constantly work with grids.
- Alignment/ Proximity: The business cards are all aligned with equal proximity. It organizes the photo. In this case I believe it also helps direct the eye through the image.
- Conclusion:
These design principles add to the success of a well composed image. It makes the photo effective in drawing in the audience as well as making them feel that the company is professional and reputable.
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