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Functions of Press in Society

With the rise of the internet, the role of a journalist has become muddled. People can blog and post and be considered a "journalist." But with that type of set-up, who knows what the truth is anymore? You can't even believe what you see in pictures, because even those could be lies. The responsibility of a true journalist is to their community. 

The press tells people not what to think, but what to think about

To make it into the news, a story must include some or at least one of the following values: timeliness, proximity, human interest, conflict, novelty, magnitude, tragedy, eminence, prominence, entertainment, helpfulness, and many many more. 

It’s the role of the press to report the truth to their community – but what for? Why does society need to know what any journalist has to say? 

Why have you ever read or listened to the news? To know what’s happening in your city or neighborhood so that you can keep yourself and your family safe. You might want to know what politicians believe and what they stand for, so that you can vote in a manner that will better your situation and your country. You want to know when your favorite restaurant is caught serving bad grade food. You read because you care. 

Journalists have a responsibility to report the truth because people care. The function of the press is to tell people the truth and let them know what they need to care about


  1. It is interesting you picked up on the emerging definitions of news value before we talked about them on Wednesday. Of major concern to news consumers is their health, safety and children. I also believe news consumers what more directions to navigate systems and more news you can use. Thanks for this insightful blog post.
    Prof. Campbell

    1. I might be taking a few Pre-Comms classes this semester and I might have already had that slide in a course packet that I own :) Haha. Thanks!


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